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Praying for Rain November 2021

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Hello Everyone:

At the start of the October Friant Water Authority’s open session Chairman Cliff Loeffler began the meeting with a prayer of thanks for the recent rain. God sent California so much water there were some records set. I’ve heard the Sacramento area received the heaviest rainfall for this time of year in recorded history.

We all know one rainstorm early in the water year won’t erase the drought. But what a start. I’ve also heard when you get a wet fall you often get a dry winter and spring. Yes, sometimes that happens. But more often than not you get an average or above water year.

This section of the website is called Praying for Rain because during the 2014-2015 drought groups of Christian believers gathered and prayed for God to open the heavens and let it rain. There are plenty of Biblical references to God being the one who decides if and when it rains.

There was a time before aqueducts and micro irrigation when rain alone was the source of water in the Valley. We hadn’t yet harnessed the snowpack with reservoirs or built the canal system to convey water from where it was to where it was needed. I suspect folks prayed for rain more often in those days.

We’ve been blessed with the results of modern engineering. Although it is still a fight to get water from where it is to where it’s needed we need to continue to pray for rain. Let’s remember to thank our Lord and Savior for the rain and continue to acknowledge He alone is the source. I’m asking Him for a good water year, the wisdom for us to use it to His glory and the humility to do so.

Also let’s keep our brothers and sisters in prayer. I’m thinking about my good friend Edwin and his family. God bless all of us.

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