Chris Austin, better known as Maven and rumored to need no more than three hours sleep per night, provides up to the minute water news from around California.
Advocating for California’s farmers CFWC provides a clipping service of ag water stories from around the state as well as response to the often outrageous and inaccurate portrayals of agricultural in the news.
As at least one local elected official has learned the hard way if you live in the most productive agricultural area on earth your job is dependent on the economic output of ag. Find out why by visiting their website.
The American Groundwater Trust brings stakeholders together to encourage open discussion about practical ways to develop, manage and protect groundwater resources so that sustainable economic and environmental benefits can be optimized.
This “opt-in” e-mail news release distribution service, started in 1995 with distribution to just 37 members of the media when they were just going online, now reaches more than 1,200 editors, broadcasters & web-writers.