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Punjabi American Growers Group Position on Almond Board Action July 20, 2023

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PAGG Press Release, July 20, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Punjabi American Growers Group Calls for Regulatory and Policy Reforms at the Almond Board of California.

California, USA (July 20, 2023)- The Punjabi American Growers Group (PAGG), representing hundreds of Almond Growers across California, is fervently urging the Almond Board of California (ABC) to uphold the law and prioritize the almond industry’s future. In a letter dated July 16, 2023, addressed to the ABC, Ameet Sharma, on behalf of the 235 signatories, emphasizes the need for strict adherence to statutory and administrative law to safeguard the interests of almond growers and ensure the industry’s prosperity. He noted, “There is asymmetrical information in our market- the supply side shows its hands while the demand side keeps on a poker face. As outlined in our letter the Federal Marketing Order gives ABC the legal authority to fix this issue and we look forward to working together to bringing necessary regulatory reforms.”

The letter from PAGG highlights the alarming state of the almond industry, with many small and medium sized family farms on the brink of survival. The letter contends that ABC’s priorities have become “misaligned with the law.” Farmers argue that compliance with the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 and the Almond Marketing Order, 7 C.F.R. § 981, is critical to achieving “orderly marketing conditions” and mitigating unreasonable fluctuations in “supplies and prices.” – the goals of the law. Sharma argues the board exists to build demand for the product and stabilize the Almond market- stating ABC needs to, “reallocate resources from quasi-government regulation of items not directly or indirectly referenced in the Enabling Act or Order- and prioritize the very activities that are required of by law. Simply stated- focus on building long-term demand for almonds.”

Jasbir Sidhu, speaking on behalf of PAGG, asserts, “This letter is the result of the tough times growers are facing. The growers have not been happy with the trajectory of the industry for some years now and things are looking worse.” Industry-wide revenue has shrunk by over 50% despite an increase in acreage, production and inflation. He argues the “urge for change” is deep. Sidhu notes, “no one in this process was paid to participate in this letter. Not the drafters, the signatories. In fact, we’ve received unprecedent support from 235 signatories on a word-of-mouth campaign that saw signatures coming from all over the state and country.”

PAGG’s letter underlines the urgency to deploy resources towards creating demand for almonds and fostering transparency on the demand side of the industry. By facilitating true price discovery and promoting a symmetrical flow of information between supply and demand, the ABC can ensure more stable market conditions and a sustainable future for the almond industry.

For further inquiries or to schedule an interview with Ameet Sharma or Jasbir Sidhu at the Contact information above. Ameet Sharma (530)301-2762 or

Jasbir Sidhu (408)-499-5535

About PAGG: PAGG Is a Grower’s association representing hundreds of farmers in California. PAGG advocates for the interests of farmers. Members of PAGG include life-long farmers, agribusiness professionals, ex-corporate and tech executives, entrepreneurs, doctors, accountants, and lawyers.

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