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A Teleconference Manifesto April 7,2020

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While stumbling around online this morning looking for the keys to opening the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District meeting and thanks to KDWCD’s highly intelligent staff graciously pointing out the obvious to me I found on its website the links to the agenda that includes the call in number and part of the board packet. Also listed is this gem of a list. Understandably as we transition into a new era of remote meetings a development of procedures is taking place. Most districts and entities are listing the necessary information to attend a meeting digitally in a prominent place on their sites. Many are striving to keep their calendars as up to date as possible and it would be my suggestion it is also helpful to list if no meetings are taking place. But to the point; a set of directions has been written to help everyone listening in do so successfully. Good for them.

Ground Rules for Opening Public Teleconference Meetings
These instructions apply to anyone participating in this Teleconference Call; Directors, Staff and Public!

 Holding a meeting by Teleconference is at best difficult and awkward, so
we appreciate your patience and understanding if any technical difficulties
 We ask that you understand that the primary function of the conference line
is for staff reports and discussion with the Board.
 If you wish to provide public comment, we respectfully ask that you do so
under the Public Comment item on the agenda.
 Unless you are speaking, PLEASE always have your phone on MUTE.
 If you are listening in on speakerphone, we ask that take your phone off of
speakerphone before speaking.
 Please speak loudly, clearly, and into your microphone, and always identify
yourself before making your comment.
 Always wait for one person to finish before speaking, otherwise comments
will be muddled or cut off and may miss being recorded.
 No side conversations please! Any side conversations dramatically impair
everyone’s ability to hear the meeting conversation (plus, we’ll hear your
private discussion).
 Directors, please stay on the phone from start to finish. If you cannot stay
on the call for the entire meeting, please let us know before you have to end
the call with us.
 Directors, all voting on action agenda items will be by Roll Call to account
for each Director’s vote.
