Roscoe Moss Company

Empirical Ag June 2024

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Empirical Ag Inc., is a diverse company that offers many different automated solutions for growers. These solutions include irrigation, reservoir, In-field valves, and continuous fertigation. We have added security cameras to our product line up.

About five-years ago, after seeing a dramatic need in the agriculture industry, Empirical Ag was launched with Christo Meyer as our founder. Meyer, after attending Fresno State, worked in the fertilizer industry for several years. He saw the benefits of automation in agriculture and a need to increase options for growers. This is just the beginning for Meyer and his team helping growers reduce labor, water and energy costs – which will lower inputs and yield higher returns.

At Empirical Ag we developed well automation, fertigation automation and remote monitoring for irrigation sites. Well site automation brought the need for communication with remote locations. The success of our business has stemmed from the ability to communicate with well sites from a computer and/or cell phone application. Our customers have seen a substantial reduction in labor, water and utility expenses. Having the ability to schedule irrigation from anywhere using our schedule feature has proven invaluable and is a favorite feature for our growers.

Our products are client based and created to adapt to your farming needs and requirements. Our automated valves are designed to be customized for as many zones as a farm could have. Our proprietary software can capture pressure in each zone to indicate if it is on and also help indicate if there is a leak in the system. Our fertigation feature ensures your farm will receive the correct amount of fertilizer at the targeted times to help produce the best outcome for that nutrient product application.

Each step in our process has been thoroughly thought through and created with ease in mind for our growers. With just a click of a button each of these systems can be controlled and regulated. Our software includes pressure sensors, flow rate, total gallons of water pumped per irrigation set, fertilizer application per zone and much more. At Empirical Ag, we cannot stress enough that our unique automation platform can be adapted and shaped to any grower’s needs.

Unlike similar network systems, Empirical Ag does not require you to purchase and use a particular brand of fertilizer or have a specific pump system. Our product was created to be tailored to whatever is pre-existing on your irrigation site. Furthermore, whether you source your water from a well or canal, Empirical Ag’s system will run smoothly.


Many growers have seen a rise in property theft and vandalism. We have seen farmers suffer the theft of copper wire from remote well sites. With our enhanced client communication capabilities, several of our customers have asked us to install security cameras at their remote well sites. The security cameras have been a critical tool in not only the reduction of crime, but also peace of mind for our clients knowing that everything is being recorded.

Positioned around the farm, remote areas and any location that you request within your property, our security cameras are your electronic eyes. Another added benefit is the deterrent of crimes before they happen. Our installations increase the chance intruders will see the cameras and think twice about the crimes they are planning to commit. Anytime our cameras detect motion, you are sent an alert without delay. Any detected motion is also recorded and stored for you to utilize. This gives farmers the capability to promptly address an issue or a threat if one were to arise.

In a world where there is so much uncertainty, don’t let the security of your property be one of your worries. When reporting a loss from theft, oftentimes insurance companies require proof of preventative measures; including fences and cameras, in order to cover your insurance claim. Many of our growers have taken this into consideration and are taking the necessary steps to receive coverage.

Our ability to communicate to remote sites has enabled us to improve our customers’ business by reducing labor costs, utility expenses, and security concerns. We have products specifically designed to improve our customers’ business by using our user-friendly application to schedule irrigation during non-peak hours and reducing the irrigator’s time by using Empirical Ag’s custom automation platform. Being based in central California, this gives our team the ability to service our customers without delay. The Empirical Ag team is here to support growers and be an addition to your farm! Call us today at (559) 647-0065 or email us:

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