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General Manager

Company: South Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Job Summary

SFKGSA is seeking a highly motivated and organized individual to fill the position of General Manager, which will be located in the Fresno/Lemoore area. This position may be part-time or full-time. Under the direction of the five member Board of Directors, this position will be responsible for ensuring compliance with administrative actions for SFKGSA, implementation of SGMA, and advocacy on behalf of the landowners within SFKGSA. The General Manager will lead implementation of the SFKGSA’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) and assist in the revision and refinement of the GSP to meet the goals of SGMA and water sustainability for the region.

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Application Deadline:


General Manager – South Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Position Type: Professional
City: Fresno/Lemoore
State: CA
Employment Type: Full Time
Phone: (559) 237-5567