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Meet Hortau June 23, 2021

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By Jackie Taylor

You know water is important, but have you taken the time to evaluate your current irrigation management practices? With water availability and commodity prices both diminishing, water efficiency is the name of the game in 2021. We all need more pounds per acre foot of water. Hortau is here to help maximize every drop. They have been in business for almost two decades and understand the challenges growers face. The professionals at Hortau have the knowledge and experience to help.Haotau

Hortau is a Canadian based company with Jocelyn Boudreau at the wheel. Mr. Boudreau has a has a bachelor’s in engineering and a Masters in Soil Physics, sparking his passion for soil management and encouraging him to co-found Hortau in 2002. Also at the helm is Bruno Laliberté, the fearless CFO! Also a part of the administrative team are: VP of Commercial Operations François Proulx, VP of Engineering Christian Plante, VP of Operations Yannick Marcoux, and VP of Sales Jeremy Otto.

Hortau understands that today’s farm managers are busier than ever and aim to simplify one of the most important aspects of farming, irrigation management. By providing real time soil tension and field data, their team of field technicians and advisors strive to return a high rate of return for their customers. Hortau prides itself on maximizing the return of capital and water investment for all of their customers.

Why soil tension? Because unlike traditional soil moisture measurements (which displays the amount of water in the soil as a percentage) soil tension measures the amount of available water. This is important due to the fact that all plants, trees, and vines regulate their growth based on available water. If soil tension levels are too high or too low the plant’s growth will slow and water use efficiency suffers. By measuring soil tension in real time, farm managers are in control and can anticipate their next irrigation giving them peace of mind.

“We are irrigating at the correct times with the correct amounts. We can track when the pumps are turned on and how long they actually ran as a check and balance for our ranches,” said Bryan Van Groningen, President of Bryan Van Groningen & Sons, Ripon California.  Among the crops Hortau services for Bryan Van Groningen & Sons are: Watermelons, Pumpkins. Honeydew, Cantaloupe, Sweet Corn, Squash, Almonds, Walnuts, Silage Corn, and Hay.

As Vice President of Sales Otto is well versed in all of the newest technologies available from Hortau. Otto is passionate about irrigation and truly on the side of the farmer. He is a father, Christian, and honorable asset to the Hortau company.

How does one get started with Hortau? Just call (805) 545-5994 or visit In the words of Hortau’s Jeremy Otto “It’s never too late to start thinking about irrigation efficiency.” A free site evaluation is included with your membership. Please email to redeem.

Your local and Western Region Support Hortau Team members are: AJ Cecchettini the Automation Specialist, Derek Gagne the Western Region Service Manager, Derek Toschi a PCA and Irrigation Advisor, Jaxson Toschi the Inside Sales Manager and Grower Support Specialist, Sales Manager Jeremy Deboer, Director of Customer Success Nicholas Doyon, Romain Langlois of France and Central Coast Grower Support Technician, and Irrigation Advisor Travis Goldman. For our friends in the Midwest, Northeast, and Canada, we introduce to you Service Manager Nicholas Loyer, Region Manager  Cody Jones, Canadian Director of Sales Caroline Letendre, and Sales Representative and Technical Support Specialist Francis Desaulniers.  Each of the Hortau employees is specially trained in Hortau’s tensiometer and irrigation efficiency systems and would love to talk with you about your irrigation and water efficiency needs.

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