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Controlling Evaporation Losses From Your Irrigation Water Storage Ponds

We spoke with Len Donovan, founder of Phoenix Plastics about on-farm evaporation loss. Donovan is the inventor of the Saturn Disc Water Cover Float, a unique floating device that dramatically reduces evaporation.

WW: What is the cause of evaporation?

LD: The root causes of water loss to evaporation are wind wicking away airborne water particles at the surface of the pond. Less humidity at the surface of the pond allows more water molecules to dissipate into the air and be blown away.

WW: Are there conditions that increase evaporation rates?

LD: Temperatures, the local weather, the water in the pond, along with the amount of surface area all influence water loss. The larger the pond’s surface area the more evaporation. Warmer temperatures of air and water affect how quickly the water particles move away from the surface of the pond.

WW: What about leaks?

LD: Most ponds are either lined with plastic, concrete or clay. That still doesn’t mean they’re leakproof. They need to be checked for water losses. If your leakage is more than 10 percent, it should be repaired.

WW: How do you go about determining the amount of loss?

LD: To determine loss from your water storage ponds you need accurate measurements. You need accurate water flow meters for water coming into and going out of the pond. These will give you the figures needed to measure any difference between those two amounts. Rain needs to be deducted in your calculation. Weather data can be gathered from mini weather stations, local municipal water companies and airports. Evaporation rates may be obtained at your regional water board. Then there is the cost of water lost. Now under SGMA even well water use can be restricted in drought conditions by the state.

WW: What does the Saturn Disc bring to the table?

LD: After you ensure there is no leakage by lining ponds with a secure membrane and gather accurate flow measurements, you are going to want to cover ponds to deter evaporation. The Saturn Disc floats lay on the surface forming an evaporation barrier. They also prevent birds from contaminating the water and minimize algae growth. Dissolved solids will also decrease depending on the chemical composition of the water in the ponds.

WW: How do does the Saturn Disc float system work?

LD: It is a series of buoyant floats that cover the surface of the pond. The float is a six-inch diameter hexagon ring about two inches thick that surrounds the inner 4-inch sphere’s equator. There is water contained in the sphere to give it ballast. The air-filled hexagon prevents the sphere from “tipping” over in the wind or being pushed out of the water and rolling away on the ground. The hexagon also causes the individual spheres to group in an interlocking manner and provide the cover.

WW: Are there grant funding opportunities for the Saturn Disc?

LD: There may be grants available to help pay for the water conservation management or your ponds. You should check with the California Department of Water Resources Water Use Efficiency Grants, the US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Grants and there are some water and irrigation districts offering grant funding.

For more information contact:

Len Donovan

Phoenix Plastics, Inc.

Saturn Disc Water Cover Float   310-344-5167

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