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Why I am Running June 6, 2022

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By John Duarte

The 13th Congressional District of California spreads out across the most rural areas of California’s Great Central Valley. From San Joaquin County to the southern limit of Fresno County, this district contains millions of acres of the most fertile farmland in the world.

Above the Valley rises the Sierra Nevada Mountains– the largest watershed in the world. The Pacific Ocean provides onshore precipitation in most years. Our once visionary catchment and delivery infrastructure along with natural aquifers afford sustainable abundant water to farms and communities.

I am proud that my family has worked in California agriculture for over a century. I am blessed that I have worked my entire adult life contributing to the technology, capital, and culture of California agriculture. We lead the world in productivity, innovation, and sustainability.

A wise creator facilitated this incredible geology of our state. Farmers in our Valley have done their best to take advantage of this blessing and feed the world.

Current and future infrastructure can provide the United States with water, energy, and food security for generations to come. We are far from finished with our good work. All of us working hard and caring for each other in our Central Valley communities are truly champions of abundance.

Unfortunately, our current leaders are choosing to take a different route. For decades, Democrat politicians and bureaucrats have abandoned good sense and sound science to confiscate California’s water resources and flush them out to sea with no substantial human or environmental benefit.

Laws originally intended to carefully protect humans and our environment are now causing toxins to concentrate in our water, parching irrigated landscapes, incinerating our forests, and pushing working families to the edge of privation.

These are the reasons I am running for Congress.

  • I will fight for abundance. We can have abundant food, energy, and water. I will fight for affordability. Working families should be able to thrive and get ahead. I will fight to secure the border and bring safety to all of our neighborhoods.
  • My campaign will call out those who hurt us and their facilitators. We cannot afford any more of the radical Biden-Pelosi agenda. It is destroying our nation and our Valley way of life. Working families need a voice that calls out this class warfare for what it is anti-human.
  • In Congress I will promote national food, energy, and industrial security legislation. I will re-establish the right to farm and will assure that farmers have the water resources they need. I will secure the border and see that all communities bear equal burdens in homelessness, prison releases and recovery resources. Working neighborhoods should not bear the burdens of hairbrained pro-criminal policies.

I am a farmer and a businessman. I have seen our community destroyed by policies from big government bureaucrats and it is time for all of us to fight back. I will bring that fight to Washington D.C. as your Congressman.

Let’s send a farmer to Congress.

John Duarte

Candidate for U.S. Congress


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