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Update AB 2201 – September 1, 2022

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By Don A. Wright

News Flash: Assembly Bill 2201 is dead. Assemblyman Steve Bennett, D-Ventura, had a bill you may have heard of – AB 2201. It was intended to stiffen well permitting requirements by adding new regulations. The regulations were to be implemented by Counties and GSAs. There were problems with the requirements the bill sought to impose and it generated a great deal of opposition. Last night was the deadline for passing all legislation through the capitol sausage grinder and AB 2201 didn’t make it. It won’t be moving forward to the Governor’s desk for signing or veto. Bennett’s office said hostile amendments were added to the bill as it went through the state Senate appropriation committee. If your representatives in Sacramento opposed this bill you might consider thanking them. As written, many thought it would cause a great deal of harm to the Valley with no benefits while taking away local control from SGMA. For some reason Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula supported the bill at one point. We have calls to his office to find out if he continued that support to the end or changed his mind.

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