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Christmas Gifts for Water Folk December 14, 2022

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By Don A. Wright

Wondering what to get that farmer, rancher, irrigation, water district or JPA on your Christmas list? Whether your special district/grower someone wants pipes, monitors, a loan, or social media management let help you pick the perfect gift.

Gifts Galore

In alphabetical order to avoid jealousy:

Aegis Groundwater Consulting – Everyone knows how important groundwater and the wells that provide it are. Whether you’re a public agency or private property owner let Chris Johnson and his expert team at Aegis show you how to make the most of your groundwater assets and to all a good night. Aegis

Ag One – The Ag One Foundation is the gift that paves the way for your star employee of the future. Ag One promotes the Jordan Collage of Agriculture at Fresno State University and has paid more than $8.5 million in scholarships.

Aquaoso – This is where the ag lenders go to get the skinny on property. Aquaoso provides data in a convenient platform and aids in greasing the financial wheel so we can all roll through the holidays and into a prosperous new year.AquaOso

Brandt – For 65-years Brandt has provided plant nutrition, crop protection and water treatment insight as a trusted R&D source. Let the water flow as free as the Yule tide.Brandt

Conterra Ag – Conterra builds partnership in ag lending. Focused solely on American agriculture Conterra provides a wide spectrum of flexible loans tailored to meet the needs of borrowers. Good guys to have in your corner. Conterra puts the jolly in holly.Conterra

Duarte Nursery – Duarte Nursery is family owned and the largest permanent crops nursery in the United States. They know what farmers need and provide innovative products and exceptional customer service to give you peace of mind.duarte nursery

Harris Farms – Harris Farms has a legacy in the San Joaquin Valley unlike any other. From top of the line, winning stallions, to innovative agronomy to a lush resort on Interstate-Five John Harris and his employees never settle for second place. There’s room in this inn.

Hotspot Ag – When you repeatedly hear unsolicited praise for a company from independent parties you want to know why. Hotspot Ag is a farm management tool. Created by the fourth generation of the Nichols Family Farm in Kings County. With Hotspot Ag irrigation scheduling and management has never been more precise. The ghost of Christmas future suggests you give them a call.

Land IQ – Often mistaken for “rocket surgeons” a category of intelligence above both rocket scientist and brain surgeon Land IQ incorporates satellite produced data with ground truthing from weather stations to deliver truly informed decisions for anyone irrigating crops. It’s not the star of Bethlehem but it will lead you to better information.

Northwest Pipe – To paraphrase Michael Bloomberg, “Dig a trench, throw some pipe in and kick dirt over it.” Wrong. A successful conveyance takes planning, expertise and trusted, proven materials. Northwest Pipe leads the industry in providing innovating solutions and the absolute highest quality, engineered pipe and installations. Silver pipes, ring a ling.Northwest Pipe Company

PG&E – Pacific Gas & Electric provides power to countless ag pumps. They also sponsor the “811 know what’s below. Call before you dig” program that helps prevent running afoul of underground utilities while excavating. You don’t want the Christmas tree lights going out.PG&E

Phytech – Phytech helps growers “control every beat on their farm.” By gathering direct data from trees, fruits and irrigation systems a grower can monitor, plan, automate and manage irrigation, nutrition and pest control. A great stocking stuffer.Phytech

Pumpsight – What farmer on your list wouldn’t want real-time well and pump monitoring for cost, flow, depth, efficiency and more right at their fingertips? Pumpsight delivers all you need to provide optimization, prevent failure and log the ever more important well and pump data in this age of SGMA. It’s rumored Pumpsight was created by one of the three wise men.Pumpsight

Red Trac – Here’s a little something for not just the farmer on your list but any water agency tasked with liquid asset management. Red Trac can give them online management of wells, soil and equipment assets. RT can monitor the fuel and fertigation levels on your wells and give you GPS tracking of farm equipment such as tractors, trailers – really anything mobile in real time including Rudolph the Red Trac reindeer.

Risk Mitigators & Advisors – Imagine the smile on the face of your ag lender Christmas morning when they wake up to find a comprehensive collateral valuation under the tree. And your financial institution won’t be the only one with smiles. Risk Mitigators & Advisors can help you make your process more streamlined and efficient while taking into consideration your unique company culture.

Roscoe Moss – Great news for you holiday shoppers! Well screens aren’t just a party favor at your Fourth of July luau anymore. Especially the high quality Roscoe Moss screen. The perfect Christmas gift for your well owner.Roscoe Moss Company

Streamline Ag – Sure, it’s a tradition to leave milk and cookies out for the old elf. But wouldn’t Santa appreciate maximized irrigation yields even more? Wouldn’t you rather have the assurance your crops are receiving life giving water through an expertly designed system, installed by professionals, backed by a family owned company dedicated to excellence or milk and cookies this Christmas eve?

Technoflo – From field to food processing flow meters are a must. And who is going test these valuable substitutes for five golden rings? Technoflo. Once again a family owned business spreading cheer.Technoflo

Vista Consulting Inc. – An angel told the wise men in a dream to go home a different way and avoid Herod. Vista Consulting Inc. isn’t angelic but it can help your water related district or organization avoid a modern day Herod.

Water Blueprint for the San Joaquin Valley – One of the messages of Christmas is hope. The Blueprint provides the same thing but in a much smaller quantity than saving all of mankind – just a few more acre feet.

Western Power Products – Another family owned business operated by and for farmers. WPP supplies all your on-farm engine and drive train needs. They can engineer the impossible and make your grower’s jingle bells rock.   Western Power

Willitts Pump – Since 1943 Willitts Pump has been the go to one stop shop for the San Joaquin Valley’s pump and irrigation equipment needs. Much like Santa’s workshop full of elves Willitts has an onsite machine shop that can fabricate and create reproduced replacement parts for all applications. Willitts Pump is affiliated with Water Well Solutions dedicated to the safe and efficient rehabilitation and repair of water wells throughout California. – Would you like someone to slip down your chimney and design your online marketing while managing your social media presence? How about establish your brand to all top decision makers for irrigated agriculture in California’s Central Valley? Make your Christmas wish come true with

Some Other Gift Ideas

Be sure and let the reader on your list know about Maven’s Notebook and the California Farm Water Coalition as well as the Family Farm Alliance and My Job Depends on Ag. Each is a source of Christmas cheer with delightful stories of water policy and fellowship.

We appreciate your support by both reading our work and especially patronizing our clients, you know the ones above? Please click their links and let them know you saw them here.

All of us at ask the Lord to give you and your family, friends and loved ones a blessed and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous new year.

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