Roscoe Moss Company

El Rico GSA January 14, 2020

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The El Rico GSA held its Tuesday, January 14, 2020 board meeting in Corcoran at the Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District offices. This was my first time at this building, nice spacing of chairs with a good ratio of electrical outlets to public seats. Chairman Jeoff Wyrick called the meeting to order at 1:00pm. There was no public comment and Wyrick asked a response letter from El Rico GSA to a letter written by John Vidovich opposing its Groundwater Sustainability Plan be included in today’s agenda. Also, there is a proposal to send wastewater that would be unsuitable for food crops to the Tulare Lake Basin. This isn’t something the board seemed to like.

There was a change in the minutes; Johnny Gailey actually attended last month’s El Rico meeting but Geoff Vanden Heuvel was listed on the minutes. That was corrected. Controller Chantal Ouellet gave her report saying the Kings County financial staff takes a vacation at the end of the year and money owned was parked in a bank account and will be transferred.

The Kings River Conservation District wants to give El Rico a proposal to monitor subsidence and Wyrick said it will costs only $2,500 per year and that’s a good price. This monitoring proposal will be sub basin wide.

The next item was adoption of the GSP. Wyrick said the El Rico GSP is ready to be submitted to DWR. Like most GSPs it is rather thick and is available on line. Resolution  2020-01 was passed without comment and will fly through the data stream to Sacramento. DWR wants one and only one point of contact per sub basin and Dusty Ference, GM of the Kings County Farm Bureau has been honored to be the impartial man of the hour. The El Rico Board liked that idea. Good for Ference, his a good man.

The letter in response to Vidovich’s opposition was approved to be sent to the other GSAs in the Sub Basin. That was the end of the 18 minute meeting. The next meeting will be Wednesday February 5th.

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  Copyright 2020 by Don A. Wright/

EL RICO GSA Directors – Chairman Jeoff Wyrick, Tom Hurlbutt, Walter Bricker, Erik Hansen, Jim Razor, Matthew Gilkey & Mark Unruh

Staff – General Manager – Matt Gilkey, Controller – Chantal Ouellet

1001 Chase Avenue, Corcoran CA 93212

SGMA identifier – 5-002.12 Tulare Lake Sub Basin
