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El Rico GSA October 12, 2021

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Bermad irrigationThe El Rico GSA held its Tuesday, October 12, 2021, on GoToMeetings and in person at its Corcoran offices. Chairman Jeoff Wyrick called the meeting to order at 1:00pm. The first thing was passing a resolution in compliance with the emergency Brown Act conditions. There was no public comment nor additions to the agenda. There was a slight change to the date of the resolution. It was changed from 10-21-24 to 10-12-21. The years were passed and then the minutes were passed.Conterra

Financial Matters

The charming Chantal Ouellet gave the financial reports including the treasurer’s reports, payment of the bills and a possible assessments for 2022. She did such an out standing job the board unanimously approved everything she put before them. Good for her. She mentioned there was a lady 86 years old and her husband was 89. The lady called in to tell them she has no intention of paying her bill. Not because she’s cheap or thinks she can get away with it. She honestly didn’t believe it was a correct billing. Good for her too. One of the directors offered to have a talk with her and get the issues resolved. It is very small amount of money and it sounded like she had a point.

Groundwater Sustainability Plan

The GSP report included a possibility to monitor drilling. Wyrick said the flying electro magnetic helicopter is flying around the area to take readings about what lies under the surface. Letters will be sent out to land owners.ERGSA also sent out letters to landowners regarding cropping data for 2020 and 2021. Land IQ needs it to prepare its reports. The pumping/well meter request for the same years was also sent out for the same reason if I understood correctly. It was also mentioned the Corcoran Irrigation District is looking to expand its monitoring well network.

There are some substantial amounts of grant money being pursued. There’s $192 million for small community drought relief and $190 million urban/wildlife also available to apply for.

El Rico has a new website and it looks pretty good. There was some talk about the pumping caps being discussed in the Kaweah Subbasin and you can see that in the Greater Kaweah GSA and Tulare ID reports on the website. The meeting adjourned at 1:30pm, a mercifully short, half hour meeting.Technoflo

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EL RICO GSA Directors – Chairman Jeoff Wyrick, Tom Hurlbutt, Walter Bricker, Erik Hansen, Jim Razor, Matthew Gilkey & Mark Unruh

Staff:  General Manager – Matt Gilkey, Controller – Chantal Ouellet

1001 Chase Avenue, Corcoran CA 93212

SGMA identifier – 5-002.12 Tulare Lake Sub Basin
