Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project May 1, 2018
Guest Editorial
A 21st Century Solution Delivering Sustainable Benefits for All of Us
Our communities are all impacted by severe water challenges. Five consecutive years of drought, followed by a near record wet year, shows how unpredictable water supplies can become. Fewer drought restrictions enable farmers to produce, water dependent businesses to succeed, and an ever-growing population to thrive. More than ever before, our economy and communities need a 21st century solution to growing water needs.
The Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project is a modern solution to the age-old challenges of providing a sustainable water supply for our expanding population and businesses. Studied and vetted extensively for over ten years, this project will reduce the frequency and severity of water shortages, provide flood protection for disadvantaged communities, as well as protect and grow the native steelhead population.
This project also benefits San Luis Reservoir and the numerous water agencies that rely on this facility to store water for later use. San Luis Reservoir can impound more than 2 million acre-feet of water. In wet years, like 2017, San Luis Reservoir lacked storage space to fully accept available water. The expansion of Pacheco Reservoir makes storage space available at San Luis Reservoir by allowing the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) and potentially other agencies to move water from San Luis Reservoir to the expanded Pacheco Reservoir for later use.
To learn more about this game changing project, visit our webpage for more information and join our effort to get the reservoir expanded. welcomes opinions from the water community. If you or your organization would like to submit your thoughts please send text and photos to; We reserve the right to decline submissions for no reason or any reason, but they’d have to be pretty awful for us to do so.
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