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The Chronicles Group Strikes Again June 30, 2022

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By Don A. Wright

This is going to be one of the shortest reports published in our brief history. Its purpose is to direct you to a movie trailer. The movie is titled California’s Watershed Healing. It is produced by The Chronicles Group and written/directed by James Thebaut. You can get more information at

Here is the link:

Here is the password: jim061722        Just copy it and press the link to the video.

Once you get to the Vimeo page and the video begins be sure to click the full screen option. This is a trailer, it’s two and half minutes long. By itself it does an amazing job of introducing us to the importance of the proper management of our watersheds, meaning our forests. Earlier this month the Fresno Bee ran an editorial opposing an environmentalist group’s opposition to thinning the dead trees out of Yosemite. Good for them although they were a little timid in naming the group, Earth Island Institute, in case you’re wondering. I contacted EII and they sent me a response to the Bee’s editorial stating thinning trees does nothing to help a forest. More about this in a not too distant, I hope, story.

This is not a small matter. If you’ve lived in California’s Central Valley for the past three summers you’ve smelled the smoke and seen the ash fall like rain. You’ve heard the cries of those who have lost their homes and sadly even human lives have been lost. Entire mountain communities gone and often treated with “good riddance” as if they were on a foolish suicide pact.

You’ve also heard our government echo the claims of the fringe environmentalist community – it is because of climate change and greedy utilities. What you haven’t heard is Gavin Newsom stand up and say we have to take concrete measures now to deal with the hand we’ve been dealt. You haven’t heard him say all but eliminating the logging industry hasn’t improved the forests. You haven’t heard him say curtailing more and more surface water from farms and Valley communities hasn’t helped the smelt or the salmon. You’ve heard him blame climate change as if it was a giant magnifying glass in the sky concentrating a focused ray on our forests. Or PG&E is portrayed as careless arsonists instead of an utility trying to operate under schizophrenic regulatory compliance.

Don’t get me wrong. PG&E has plenty of flaws and the climate is changing, has been changing and always will be changing. But for our elected leaders to blame anything but their own imperfect policies is, well cowardice.

Take time out to view this movie trailer. It will bring back a little balance by offering something besides excuses.

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