By Charles Carner, WellJet®
Flames leaping into the night sky. Rugged canyons ablaze. Palm trees exploding. Homes and businesses reduced to charred and twisted skeletons. Stunned residents turned into refugees. Soot-blackened firefighters. Solemn spokesmen. And politicians wringing their hands.
It happens almost every single year in California.
And every single time, the people who run the state are caught by surprise. Unprepared. As if “this has never happened before.” Ready to duck responsibility and point blame elsewhere. While their supposed bosses – the citizens who live, work and pay taxes here – are left devastated. Ruined. Bankrupt. Bereft.
And yet, every single election, those very same citizens elect those very same people to those same lofty offices – to make the same terrible, destructive, costly decisions over and over.
There’s an endless supply of money for illegal aliens and Trains to Nowhere. But firefighting equipment? Not so much. There are millions of acre-feet of water for obscure fish and scenic rivers. But fire hydrants and reservoirs and water supply wells for human beings? Nope.
California has many chronic fire zones, which have burned periodically since human beings have lived here and kept records of such things. You know, in case they happen again. So we can be prepared. ‘Twas ever thus – and ever will it be.
There are very few things more fundamental to the priorities of government than public health and safety. Food. Water. Shelter. And yet, California chronically and consistently places its priorities elsewhere. While the victims of this idiocy – the tax-paying, voting public – chronically and consistently reward their tormentors. When considering history, and wondering why serfs, peasants, slaves and plebs tolerated their chains for centuries… wonder no longer.
Will the fire this time be different? Will the people stop paying to be abused? Will they finally say, “Enough is enough!” God only knows and only time will tell.
This has nothing to do with liberals and conservatives, the “right” and the “left.” It has only to do with a functioning civil society and basic, common-sense government. When our houses are burning down, no one cares about political parties. We just want to live.
At WellJet®, we dedicate our lives to providing water for people, farms and businesses by using our patented high-pressure hydrojetting process to make groundwater extraction more efficient and economical. That’s all we do. Our crews traverse the state from border to border, coast to desert to mountain. We make old wells more productive, and new wells more efficacious. We extend the working lifespan of vital infrastructure. Without water, life is impossible.
California, contrary to popular misconception, has plenty of water. And if it doesn’t, there’s a big fat ocean right next to our biggest cities. Sure, desalination costs money; so does covid fraud, government pensions, schools that produce morons, and prisons to house miscreants. It also takes energy; so does the latest buzzword in the state that invented the term, “AI.” The question is, what are the priorities?
California has amazingly rich energy resources, yet the state imports energy from around the world – while driving domestic producers out of town and out of business.
The fire this time must be different.
Will it be?
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