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California Water Institute Water Infrastructure Funding Report November 25, 2019

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The California Water Institute at Fresno State continues to earn its keep. The folks there have published a 13-page report titled, “Funding a Future for Water in the San Joaquin Valley: A Literature Review of Public Funding for Water Infrastructure”. The report is divided into four-parts: The Historical View, Twentieth Century Funding Mechanisms, Infrastructure and Financing Ideas for the 21st Century and my favorite – Recommendations.

There are enough reports published in just one year in California to stack to the height of Mt. Whitney, maybe even in a month.* There are reports all over the place warning of problems. If you pay attention to the clipping services like Brown & Caldwell or Maven’s Notebook or especially the Department of Water Resources’ California Water News you’ll see references to unending existential crisis. Most of them, it seems deal with climate change’s effect on how much time we’re supposed to spend worrying about climate change; one of the sacraments of government in California’s official religion – environmentalism. These warnings are slim on solutions, at least practical solutions. In the meantime farmers roll up their sleeves and go about the righteous work of feeding people so they can worry about climate change or in some cases present ideas about how to fund the water needed to produce the food we must have to survive with or without climate change.

The CWI report, I’m pleased to see, has recommendations of how to deal with the identified problem of funding water infrastructure. In fact it has four recommendations with a further eight sub-recommendations or points or what ever you call them. I won’t spoil it for you. The report can be accessed at:

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  Copyright 2019 by Don A. Wright
