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Friant Water Authority

Friant Water Authority May 26, 2022

The Friant Water Authority held its Thursday, May 26, 2022 board of directors meeting in person at the Visalia Convention Center and on MS...

Friant Water Authority May 16, 2022

The Friant Water Authority held its Monday, May 16, 2022 Executive Committee meeting on Mucho Smelly Teams or whatever MS stands for. Others, like...

Friant Water Authority April 28, 2022

The Friant Water Authority held its Thursday, April 28, 2022 board of directors meeting in Visalia at the Convention Center. It was a pretty...

Friant Water Authority April 18, 2022

The Friant Water Authority held its Monday, April 18, 2022 Executive Committee meeting in person and on MS Teams. What can I say that...

Friant Water Authority March 24, 2022

The Friant Water Authority held its Thursday, March 24, 2022 board of directors meeting at the Wyndham Hotel in Visalia. Chairman Cliff Loeffler called...

Friant Water Authority February 24, 2022

The Friant Water Authority held its Thursday, February 24, 2022 board of directors meeting in person at the Visalia Convention Center and by phone....

Friant Water Authority January 27, 2022

The Friant Water Authority held its Thursday, January 27, 2022 board of directors meeting at the Visalia Convention Center and online with the non-Zoom...

Friant Water Authority October 28, 2021

The Friant Water Authority held its Thursday, October 28, 2021, board of directors meeting at the Visalia Convention Center. The closed session began at...

Friant Water Authority October 18, 2021

The Friant Water Authority held its Executive Committee on Monday, October 18, 2021, with committee members meeting at its Lindsay headquarters and the assorted...

Friant Water Authority/Ag One September 13, 2021

The Friant Water Authority held a special board of directors meeting at its Lindsay headquarters and online by Microsoft Teams on Monday, September 13,...